We are taking back the LOL!
There’s nothing like that new app smell!

We say LOL, but do we mean LOL?
You probably use the term LOL all the time, and that makes you a dirty liar. How often does something make you literally laugh out loud? Usually you use it in response to something that made you smile, or as a polite reaction to a bad joke, but the cold hard fact is very rarely does
LOL actually mean you LOL’ed.
JustLOL’s mission: take the LOL back!
There is a difference between something that makes you
smile, and something that makes you involuntarily giggle and wet yourself like
a newborn; we are here to draw the line.
When we say this app is JustLOL, we mean it, you will laugh out loud. We
considered naming it JustLMFAO, but turns out that is not physically possible, and we wouldn't want to mislead you. What we guarantee is that
Unreel's new JustLOL app will consistently make you laugh out loud...and will probably show you the true meaning of life. Point being, if you Just want to LOL, then just get JustLOL.
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